October 26, 2022, 2-6 pm Eastern Time
Honor the life of our friend and colleague, Dr. Tom Meixner
Regional Breakout Room Information
Choose your region (click the map above to enlarge)
Regional Breakouts – Meeting Notes:
Great Lakes Google Doc
Great Plains Google Doc
Mid-Atlantic Google Doc
New England Google Doc
Oceania and Islands Google Doc
Pacific Northwest Google Doc
Powell Consortium Google Doc
South Atlantic-Gulf Google Doc
Supporting Documents
Emcee Slides
Communications Committee Report Slides
Bylaws Committee Slides
Staff Network Slides
Strategic Plan Update and JCWRE Special Issue Slides
USGS WRRA Program Update Slides
USGS Career Opportunities Slides
Congressional Relations and Appropriations Slides
NIWR Student Research Showcase Proposal for the UCOWR/NIWR 2023 Conference