JCWRE is seeking papers for upcoming Special Issues!
Special Issue: Cultural Keystone Resources as a Nexus for Water Research Co-Production Opportunities. Click here for the Call for Papers. Manuscripts are due October 15, 2024.
Please note: JCWRE is now an online publication only. JCWRE is available at https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/jcwre/.
Per article charge (subject to change):
$300 for UCOWR members
$500 for non-UCOWR members
JCWRE is currently accepting submissions for consideration. Manuscripts can be submitted at any time. Most general submissions are published in the issue designated for open submissions. However, general submissions may be considered for themed issues if appropriate. Manuscripts are published online as they are finished and the issue is closed once all articles for that issue have been published. All articles are peer-reviewed. You must follow the author instructions found at https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/jcwre/ for your manuscript to be considered for peer review. Email submissions to Jennie Snyder at jennie.snyder@siu.edu.
If you have a concept for a special issue of the Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, please contact Karl Williard, Co-Editor of JCWRE at williard@siu.edu or 618-453-7478.